Richard Harris
Partner – Holland & Knight LLP

Description of field of expertise

Proven Track Record. Originally trained as a trial attorney, Mr. Harris has evolved into a crisis management professional with a highly tuned degree of insight into the executive decision-making process and associated potential conflicts. As he puts it, “I’m a trial lawyer and storyteller by training, who grew into a crisis manager to help my clients see opportunities in the midst of a storm.” Clients seek out Mr. Harris for his record of accomplishments and effectiveness in a crisis, and they return to him as a trusted and determined confidant who will always sustain their best interests.

Pragmatic Strategy and Tactics. Mr. Harris’ crisis management approach addresses clients’ short- and long-term goals: provides 24/7 response to urgent short-term matters, attention to detail and passionate advocacy; offers clear-eyed analysis of long-term goals and assessment of underlying conditions that have caused conflicts to arise, as well as solution-driven action plans designed to achieve organizational and cultural goals.

What advice would you offer to new attorneys interested in your field?

Knowing what I know now, I’d focus on unlocking value for my partners (whom I provide work for) to clients I serve.  He/she who creates the most value will have the fastest career trajectory.  Be kind…there’s always a space for kind and consistently reasonable people—the law is no different!

Any additional information that the attorney would like to share 

Get involved, the lawyers who have the most meaningful careers and lifestyles recognize that performance isn’t their differentiator but running a campaign is…think of yourself as a leader before you’ve been selected to lead.  Finally, enjoy the practice of law and all of the trapping associated with it.