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National Bar Association – Commercial Law Section
NBA-CLS Establishes Scholarship Fund in Memory of
May 2, 2022 – We would like to update our announcement about the passing of Rhonda Smith Ferguson with details to donate to the scholarship. Please see below:
“In celebration of the life of Rhonda Smith Ferguson and her impact on the legal profession, the National Bar Association Commercial Law Section has created the Rhonda Smith Ferguson Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship will provide financial assistance and mentoring to a law student with a STEM background entering the practice of law. We will, in collaboration with Rhonda’s family, announce our first recipient at our 36th Annual Corporate Counsel Conference in February 2023.
Rhonda was a champion and advocate of Black excellence. She always had time to share her special talents and gifts with our membership. We appreciated the love she had for our mission and the way she personally and professionally ensured that the NBA-CLS was positioned for success. This is our way of honoring our dynamic friend and her amazing life.
To contribute to the Rhonda Smith Ferguson Memorial Scholarship, send a check to the National Bar Institute located at 1816 12th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009.
You may also donate via Paypal to nbi@nationalbar.org or via credit card by contacting Frank Seales, Jr. Chair and Treasurer of NBI directly at (202) 497-3187. Donations to this scholarship will be tax-deductible.
– The National Bar Association, Commercial Law Section